
Natural Light

Adding natural light to a work environment can help you feel more energized. Natural light can be added through a window, skylight, or solar tube. Skylights and solar tubes can be added to any roof (solar tubes are used more often with smaller spaces). DW General Contractors team can easily add any of these options.

Quiet is Best

Working with minimal distractions and noise help you concentrate and be more efficient and effective. We recommend an area away from a main living space. DW General Contractors can help add this room to any basement, loft, or low traffic area in your home.

Color Can Make a World of Difference

Choosing the right colors in a space can make or break it. Bold, vibrant colors may be too much and cause a distraction in your work environment. DW General Contractors design staff recommends something more subdued and calming, such as earth tones, blues and soft greens. Adding an accent wall behind you (for those video meetings) is also a great idea.

Choose Ergonomic Furniture

Posture and comfort are very important. DW General Contractors Design team can recommend items that will make you feel comfortable while supporting your back and posture.

Good Storage is Key

Having ample storage for your files and office supplies will help you stay organize in the workspace. DW General Contractors Design team will help maximize your space to create the perfect working environment for you.

DW General Contractors team and designers will focus on your needs, help you eliminate distractions, all while adding your personal touch and creating the perfect working space for you.